Friday, July 9, 2010

Last Day

The last day of my ocean sports camp was officially the best day of the week.
The first activity we did was a game called "Happy Nation Ball." In this game there are two teams (usually the "rash-guards" and the "no rash-guards"). The game is kind of like dodge-ball, except when a player gets hit by the ball, they are not necessary out of the game. He/she sits on the sidelines until the player who hit him/her with the ball goes to the sidelines. It was a big deal when the counselors got hit with the ball because usually, half the people in the sidelines were hit by the counselors.
Then, we played a game called "Piano Keys." During this game, we each had a long surfboard. We paddled out to where none of us could stand and lined up our surfboards in a straight line. We the tried to walk across the surfboards and back. I made it, but my sister fell of at least three times.
Finally, we had a party. We ended up with a feast: "Nerds" from Natalie, "Twix" from Sierra, "Pringles" from my sisters and I, donuts from Mark, assorted candy from Arielle, cookies from Kira, and "Gushers" from Lily. I have a stomach-ache from it right now.
On the bus-ride home, we sang "99 Bottles of Beer" and got all the way to 1.

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